Completing Projects Faster, Better and Together with Collaborative Planning System

The Collaborative Planning System aims to manage and improve  construction processes to achieve a continuous workflow that is reliable and predictable.

What is Collaborative Planning System?

Collaborative Planning System is a combination of Pull Planning and Last Planner® System methodologies based on lean construction principles and practices. The system aims to manage and improve design and construction processes to achieve a continuous workflow that is reliable and predictable. 

The cornerstone of lean construction is collaboration between all parties involved: client, architect, engineers, main contractor, subcontractors, and suppliers. Everyone involved must be engaged and work together to create value for the client by improving processes and eliminating waste.

What are Pull Planning and Last Planner® System?

Pull planning is a scheduling method where you start from the end goal, the completed project, and work backward to identify and review milestones, break the project down into phases and create a weekly work plan. 

Pull planning is a collaborative effort where project stakeholders work together to identify essential tasks and everything gets mapped out on a plan board or on a digital pull planning software. Everyone works together to understand how each task and activity impacts other tasks on the schedule and to identify where improvements and adjustments need to be made for efficiency. The schedule is reviewed as work progresses to adjust the weekly work plan to ensure that project milestones are being met on time.

Last Planner® System, also known as lean production planning, was developed by the Lean Construction Institute, involves requiring commitments to schedules by all project team members. The five key elements are called five connected conversations that the project team members should have in order to have a reliable and predictable planning for their project. The Last Planner® System methodology is shown below. 

How Sysnovate can help your Organization?

Sysnovate offers Collaborative Planning System solutions for organizations to improve planning reliability, collaboration and commitment of project teams, and fulfil project goals. Sysnovate uses conventional and digital approaches to implement Collaborative Planning System. Sysnovate provides training and guidance to embrace lean construction mindset and implement Collaborative Planning System for your projects.

Sysnovate is a management and lean-agile consulting firm providing consultancy and training services for organizations in the property development, construction, engineering, facilities management and related sectors. Sysnovate places emphasis on 3 core pillars: people, process and technology. Its services are focused on integrated quality, environmental, safety and health (QESH) management, ISO management systems, QLASSIC quality assessment system, process and productivity enhancement, lean management and continual improvement.

Lean-Agile Training Course

One-Day Lean-Agile Course
“Completing Projects Faster, Better and Together with Collaborative Planning System”.
Available at Sysnovate Public Training and In-house Training.

Learn and apply Lean Construction Principles and Collaborative Planning System in your project. More Money, Less Waste. 


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